Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Young Squondra Comes to Town: BA and Colonia

The plan when Sondra got here was to make at least two trips to places within the country. Iguazu down, we were going to try to make it to the western wine-country city of Mendoza but it was just asking too much. Decided not to do it for various reasons, one of them being that if we went, she wouldn't get to experience a full weekend in this madness that we call a city. We did make it to Uruguay for a day though, to the city of Colonia. We decided to do this because it's a nice day trip and also because I was at the time an illegal alien and wanted to get that feeling off my chest. Fortunately, the rules are a bit more lax here than they are in the States. Consequences for overstaying your tourist visa is now about $80US, up from the $18 that it used to be a month ago. You get a slap on the wrist and then you're given a pass and another 3 months in this wonderful country. Here are some photos, with captions, of our day in Uruguay...
The view over Rio de la Plata from Puerto Madero, Buenos Aires before getting on the ferry

Street scene

Sondra showing off her wad of "play" money that is the Uruguayan peso on her hog...we couldn't rent mopeds as originally planned since we didn't have our driver's licenses with us...

Just some of the many many street dogs around the town

That's me sneaking into the grounds of an abandoned bullring; interior of the bullring

The rest of Sondra's time here consisted of shopping in ferias, pubcrawling and fortunately, on her very last night, the Grand Opening of Fusion, our very own nightclub/restaurant. Well, it's not technically mine but Dustin, my good friend who started the pubcrawl company, put together this place with some other friends. Will be doing a blog update about this new spot. It's so cool! All in all had a great time with her here, and sounds like she had a good time too because she's hoping to come back in the summer (winter for you Northerners).

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