Monday, November 10, 2008


Since coming back from Uruguay, life here has been pretty mellow. That is until this last Saturday, when I went to the most insane electronic music festival ever. Creamfields is a festival that started in the UK a few years back and now has branched out to various big cities around the world such as Rio, Prague, Barcelona, etc..The festival is more of a giant party with 100,000 people rocking out from 3pm to 6 in the morning than a concert. For anyone that knows electronic music, the highlights were Booka Shade, deadmau5, Simian Mobile Disco, the Gorillaz and Gui Boratto. On the bus to the event, German and I met a group of people from all the over the world also going to the show. We ended up partying with them a lot. The international crew consisted of Dutch, German, British, Uruguayan, and American people. It was a good time. Unfortunately, the place was so nuts that getting seperated was inevitable and I never managed to get any of their contact info. Oh well.

I had a blast at this festival but I'll tell you that once the sun came up and the show was over, there was nothing in the world I wanted more than my bed. After battling the other 99,986 zombie-like people for a cab, we finally made it home. How sweet that sleep was...

Coming up: Trip to Rosario to see my friends Mike and Scott Read from U of O and the start of my volunteer program at L.I.F.E. Argentina (

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