Monday, November 24, 2008

L.I.F.E. Argentina

To keep myself busy during the week I have been volunteering with an NGO called L.I.F.E. Argentina. The organization goes to the villas (pronounced vee-shas), or shantytowns, surrounding Buenos Aires and does work with kids. Most of the work is school support stuff like teaching english, math, etc..but we also set up birthday parties and play futbol with the kids. For the most part the kids are great, but because of the hard homelife situations that most of them come from there are some real out of control kids too. Another great thing about working with this group is that the people that are a part of it are all really cool, it's been a great way to meet people. I will be adding photos from our work here on this portion of the blog.

Notable story from my first day on the job:
On my way to the office, my colectivo (city bus) broke. Straight up. Everyone had to get off the bus and wait for a new one. I have no idea what happened. So anyways, I finally get to the office and get set up with the bus/van thing that will take all of us to the villa for the day to play futbol. Funny thing happened. About 30 minutes into the ride as we're getting off the freeway we hear the worst sound I have ever heard any sort of motor vehicle make. This time we found out what happened: the drive shaft fell off. Once again, everyone had to get off the bus and wait for another one. Welcome to the 3rd world. We made it to our futbol game eventually, 2 broken busses later.

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