Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Re-Cap of the last month...

I think this is the longest period of time I've gone without updating my blog and for all those diehard fans I apologize (that one's for you Jonah...). In early January I realized that in the three months I had been here, I took at least one trip every month. Because of this, I also realized that I didn't have any clear idea of how much money I was actually spending so I decided to stick around here to try to gauge it (I still don't have a clear idea, my bookkeeping skills haven't improved). In any case, I have stuck around Buenos Aires and for that, multi-weekly blogposts would be kind of dull.

Life here is excellent. My house is now rolling seven-deep with the addition of three new roomies: Petros, Ruth, and Lauren, all twenty-four years old, and all British. We have a good time going back and forth with roast-like jabs about why the other person's country is worse. They have ridiculous expressions and words that I have a very hard time understanding, and to them the way I speak is equally confusing. We definitely have some good laughs. Having them in the house too is a great gauge for my spanish, which by the way is doing excellent, because they don't speak ninguna carajo (literally translated as: not a single fuck) of it and I am now the sole link between my spanish speaking roommates and them.

For those of you that don't know, I am one of thousands of fully employed illegal aliens/expats living in this city. I work with various other wanderers on the Buenos Aires Pub Crawl, doing promotion, and most recently all of the photography for the website and various fliers (all of the pics can be seen at: http://www.pbase.com/afirestein/buenos_aires_pubcrawl). It is an awesome job, every night is a different adventure, and a lot of the people you meet are incredible. It is however, still a job, and can get VERY exhausting. I wouldn't put up with it though if I didn't really love it and didn't think what we are doing is a great thing. When a city is this big, and with so many nightlife opportunities, you don't want your night to be a bust. For all those travelers coming through and spending a night or two, we are the perfect solution, and people love it. Sidenote: so far the craziest countries represented based on my experiences on the PubCrawl go in this order: 1. Brazilians, 2. Aussies, 3. Brits.

I'm going to leave you all with that for the time being, hopefully I'll get around to getting a much more detailed post, but to be honest it is just too damn hot to do anything.

1 comment:

  1. I'm jealous it's so hot there! It's finally gotten around to "winter" in CA...whooop di freakin do! Still jealous that you're outside the country...although I did make it to New Orleans for Mardi Gras this last weekend...so I can't complain toooo much.
