Friday, March 6, 2009

Manu Chao live in Bs As

The second I found out about Manu Chao was coming to Buenos Aires, I rushed down to the local locura to get my ticket. At 70 pesos (3.6 to the dollar) I could not pass it up and after his playing for nearly 3 and a half straight hours, made it a huge bargain. It was good I got them when I did because they ended up selling out really, really quickly and a lot of my friends were pretty bummed they couldn't go. In all honesty it wasn't really anyone's fault it wasn't advertised very well. I heard about it word of mouth, otherwise I wouldn't have known about it till it was too late. I saw Manu Chao at the Outsidelands Festival in SF in August and while it was great, I have to say the atmosphere was a bit different here. Everyone knew all the words to every song, there was a lot of OLE OLE OLE OLE, MAAAANU...MAAANU! Here is a 10 minute video compilation of the footage I got with my digital camera.

1 comment:

  1. That's a great video, we were quite close though! Manu es lo más!!
