Tuesday, March 17, 2009

I'm not a businessman, I'm a business...man

I haven't been updating this blog as regularly as before because I have been UNBELIEVABLY busy with two entrepeneurial ventures: Bucketfeet and Ojo Photos. For those of you that don't know, for the past couple years I've had a small-scale custom shoe design business (www.bucketfeet.com), and it has taken off a bit down here in Argentina.

My other, newer venture, is nightlife photography. Since working with the Buenos Aires Pubcrawl, I have been the unofficial, official photographer. The work I've done with them has encouraged me to go out on my own and start a company that essentially documents the ridiculous nightlife of Buenos Aires. My good friend Julian Walter, who in his own right is an amazing photographer, came down here to help me set it up, mostly with getting the website up. The two of us have very different styles of taking pictures so we compliment each other very well, both can learn a lot from one another. In any case it is very, very exciting and I will only be getting busier, but it's a GREAT kind of busy. The website is: www.ojophotos.com. Check it out, there will be new updates regularly!

Aside from these new developments, life is generally the same here. I'm hoping to get out of the city for a couple days next week, maybe hit up the beach in Mar del Plata, or go to Uruguay for a day or so. This massive concrete jungle can suck you in.

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