Thursday, October 9, 2008

Apparently hipsters don't ride fixies here...

I don't have a job yet and I also don't have a place to live, but other than that life is damn good! The past few days have essentially involved three things: Steak, steak, and more steak (with some chorizo mixed in too). Wow! They were not lying. The meat here is absolutely incredible. The first place I had steak was at this place down the street from my hostel that is literally a hole in a wall. I got a lot of stares because not only was I about 50 years younger than the rest of the clientele, I didn't know the complete family history of those working behind the counter. I'm assuming by all the chatter between the customers and the employees that they all go way, way back. This place was so good. Basically, there is a variety of huge hunks of meat on the grill and when you pick out which one you want, they cut a portion off and grill it up right in front of you. They give you a steak knife but you don't need it. It's so tender. Throw a little (or a lot) of chimichurri on that sucker and you are in heaven.

Aside from eating steak, I have been on the serious job/apartment hunt. I have some very promising leads in both departments, but haven't committed to either. I've already met some local expats who are kind of helping me with the whole lodging process here. I'm getting some good tips on how to not get screwed. So far at the hostel, I've been hanging out mostly with a couple of absolutely hilarious British guys and a couple of Canadians as well. The other night we hung out in Palermo, what's considered the most trendy, upscale part of town, and I discovered that it's a haven for the local hipsters. It's also a place where one should not be surprised by the plethora of trannies that frequent the bars once it gets really, really late/early. In all seriousness though, it's a cool part of town, I'm just not sure if I want to live out there.

My spanish lessons have begun as well. I just had my first one with this girl from Mendoza that Jerry the espresso addict from Jimmy Beans recommended. We met up in the Abasto neighborhood which once again seems to transport you to Paris. It's amazing. I apologize in advance to all my spanish speaking friends outside of Argentina because I'm learning how to use "vos". It sounds weird at first but I'm starting to understand it.

If I magically find a place to live by tomorrow, I will be heading out to Cordoba for their Oktoberfest. Otherwise, I'm going to to be in BA staying heavy on the grind one time.

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