Monday, October 27, 2008

Asados and Gothic people dancing to Reggaeton

Well it's been a little bit since I last updated this thing so I guess a new posting is due. I am loving it here. The weather is getting nice, summer time attitude is creeping in and there is never a shortage of people to hang out with. The house I'm living in has become even more appealing now that the water heater works. It's kind of bizarre that there have been two isolated incidents involving water heaters in less than a month. So basically what my life has consisted of the last couple weeks is sending applications to various non-profits (chances are much better of getting unpaid internship positions in cool programs than getting paid), Spanish conversation classes, going out, and eating good food. Life is pretty damn good.

Going out here is always something different. For example in the last week, I've gone to Pacha (a massive Euro style super-club), a milonga (tango house) at 444 Cochabamba in San Telmo that has probably not changed since the 30's, a small club also in San Telmo called Torquata Tasso to see my roommate Tigre's folk band play, and a huge party at my German friend Hannes' house where Gothic people were going dumb to reggaeton music. There are many faces to this city it seems.

On Sunday (yesterday) I experienced my first asado. For anyone that loves meat, asados are pretty much the best place to be. I went out pretty hard on Saturday night so chilling during the day with friends and meeting new people was perfect. Since the weather is really starting to be amazing, we're going to be doing these pretty much every weekend. Here are a few photos from the asado.

That's all for now. I have a lot to look forward to though. Playing tennis with my friend Hannes this week, going to Uruguay this weekend with my roommates, then the week after that I'm going to CREAMFIELDS (a huge electronic music festival). In between all of that, the job hunt continues. Things are really starting to fall into place here though so I have a good feeling. OK, time to go watch the Rays hopefully beat the Phillies.

more photos on
also, have a new gallery to check out:

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