Tuesday, October 7, 2008

First night out=Pub Crawl

Ok, don't worry people. I'm not going to do a new post every single day I'm here because, frankly, you'll get bored. My first night however was pretty hilarious. Of course the first night I'm here, the hostel offers a pub crawl. Anyone that knows me knows I love pub crawls. I got on the Subte (the metro) and headed into the San Telmo neighborhood to the first bar. It's a place called Cyrano, not a bad bar. Within 5 minutes of being there I found out that they are always hiring so there's a chance I might get a job with the pub crawl. Ideal, right? It's a group of a few guys from Atlanta, a guy from Brazil, a couple of British people, and a girl from San Francisco. Right up my alley. The night was pretty fun, hit up a bunch of places, met a lot of hilarious people. Most notably were the Aussies who made me an honorary Aussie for the night and this guy from Toronto. The Canadian guy was awesome, he's been living in Brazil teaching science. Hilarious guy. The Aussies were also hilarious. They are all here on a trip that they won from competing in the Australian version of the show wipeout. A couple of them were pretty fat and it's for that reason they were pegged to be on the show in the first place. Exploitation of their overweightness ended up being a blessing for them! I turned on my famous homing beacon once I got too drunk and felt out of my element. One the way of course I stopped for a burger near the hostel. They make 'em just how I like them (with a fried egg on top).

I'm in the process now of compiling a cover letter and editing my resume to send to the Pub Crawl people. They take pictures every time they go out and post them on their site, but they only use a dinky little digital camera. I'm going to try to get them to let me be the event photog since I brought all my equipment down. Hopefully it works out! I could have a job within my first week of being here, kind of ridiculous. Now all I need to do is find an apartment...

Here's a hilarious video of Matt the Canuck:

1 comment:

  1. hahaha first time i met you... definitely at a pub crawl. way to kick it off right
